Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tri of the Creek

So here are a few pictures of us doing the Tri of the Creek triathlon last Sunday. Hunter completed the whole sprint triathlon, which is 500meter swim, 11mile bike and then 5k run. Mama did the long tri, which is 1000meter swim, 22mile bike and a 10k run. Papa and I did the long tri as a team. I did the 1000m swim and then he did the 22mile bike and I finished it up with the 10k run. So anyways, here are a few pictures (sorry I couldn't really get any of us actually swimming, biking or running.)
 Early morning start!

Papa the Driver

It was SO cold and rainy, so we got out our raincoats and power bars

Esther did a good job waiting in the cold for all of us to finish. Here she is reading her American Girl Doll book, Kit. 

So overall the tri went pretty well (sorry for the quality of the pictures)
The Bards

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