Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sunday, November 22. Tough Mudder A.K.A death

So this past Sunday, mama and I (Rebekah) were signed up to participate in the Tough Mudder obstacle race. The Friday before it, mama got sick and thought she wasn't going to be able to do it. But she started to feel better and didn't miss out on the freezing cold 12 mile run. This course was about 3 hours away from our house, so in order to get to our race wave on time (which started at 9am) we had to leave the house at about 4:15am.

Hunter (14) watching a movie. 

This is after we got our numbers put on our foreheads. The sign where you got marks said this: "This is compulsory, we don't care if you have court on Monday." 

Hunter and me. 

Mama and me right before the start. 

Mama (in bright blue) completing the first obstacle "Kiss of Mud."

Yes, we did have to crawl in those tunnels, swim to the next tunnel and crawl out. 

I have lots of mud in my mouth. 

Before we started, the man who was announcing things and telling us how to be safe out of the course, made us take the Tough Mudder oath. "Camaraderie before my personal time." 

Nutrition and water were offered on the course. Good thing too, cause I needed it!

Papa was able to snap this picture really quick of us at a hydration/nutrition station. 

Cold water! My face probably already told you that. 

Okay, you can't see it in this picture, but to the right there is a giant skateboard ramp thing. It was covered in water and mud. The only way to get up it is to sprint up it as far as you could and reach for the outstretched arms of other Mudders. (without teamwork, this obstacle was nearly impossible.) Mama wasn't able to complete this one, she just walked around it. But I, with the help of some big, strong men, was able to summit this "Everest."

So, all in all, this was a good race. Very cold, but I know for me, it was very rewarding. 
I must tell you how God continually amazes me. And this is one of those times where I just thought to myself, "This was totally a God thing." When mama and I were standing near to starting line, we were warming up (doing some push ups and jogging in place.) And three young guys (20-30 years old) came up to us and asked us our names and where we were from and questions like that. When I told them that we were from St Joseph, MI, he said to me, "Oh cool, I grew up there too! I went to Lakeshore High School." (that high school is very close to our house.) Then he asked if we were involved with any churches in the area or if we were involved with Young Life (which is an outreach program that many young Christians are involved in.) And mama and I happened to know some people in Young Life and the man told us how he is a leader there. I thought of all the people at the Tough Mudder, why would we meet these Christians (in an obviously very secular place.) It was just amazing to me what God can do and does in our lives. It was encouraging to me and mama as well. 
I hope you enjoyed the pictures; Lydia should be getting some of the video footage up online soon. Thanks for reading, 
The Bards  


SAM said...


Sam said...

This looks insane!!!!!

Sam said...

You guys are some seriously tough mudders!!!!!!

A different person said...

What about the video!!!

A completely new person who doesn't know you said...

You have cornrows now? I guess that's pretty neat. Like an aspen.

None of a Kind Family said...

That's pretty neat. How neat is that? :) But yeah I have cornrows. I'm keeping them in for a week.