Friday, December 24, 2010

Wow its been so long

I am so sorry we have not written in a very long time. As I always say, school, family and just plain junk makes us so busy. Well, it is almost Christmas now! Our family like to make gingerbread houses, especially Sam (19.) So Lydia (16,) me (Rebekah, 18) and Esther bougt lots of candy and icing and proceeded to make gingerbread houses. However, we used grahm crackers for the houses (I am saying this from experience, real gingerbread houses are really hard to make, especially with a 7 year old.) Here they are :)
Woo and me (sorry about the quality, I had sticky hands)

Weird faces!

Me and Lyd :)

All she does with her house is put as much candy on it as she can so she can eat it later...but it does look pretty nice for a house with ten tons of candy on it :)

Okay Esther cheated by using a gingerbread house kit, thats why hers is bigger than ours haha. She had a lot of fun doing this :)


Well, I hope everyone is having a great holiday season! Merry Christmas everyone!
Love, Rebekah (The Bards)

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